
This is the README file for File::BSDGlob, a Perl module that provides
globbing with the option of full csh(1) compatibility.

This is version 0.94.  See the "Changes" file for bug fixes and new
features in this release.

Perl Version 5.004_04 is required to use this module.

Anyone who needs to use Perl's csh(1) compatible globbing in a secure
fashion (through perl's -T option) or where csh(1) is not available
will find this module most useful.

See the POD in for more details.


To use File::BSDGlob, you need the following Perl Version 5.004_04 or
greater on a platform supported by MakeMaker (most Unix platforms and a
few others).

HELP SAVE THE WORLD!!!  I would like this module to work on as many
platforms as possible.  There are still some issues with the Win32
family that need resolving.  I have not received much input at all
from the others.


Install File::BSDGlob by running the following commands

    gzip -dc File-BSDGlob-0.94.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    cd File-BSDGlob-0.94
    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

Bugs, Problems, Suggestions

Please send any suggestions, bug reports, complaints, et cetera to
Greg Bacon <>.


Nathan Torkington <> wrote the original Glob::BSD module
which is based on Guido van Rossum's FreeBSD glob library.  Further
modifications have been made by Greg Bacon <>.

Obnoxious BSD License Requirement

This product includes software developed by the University of California,
Berkeley and its contributors.