Google::Search - Interface to the Google AJAX Search API and suggestion

    Version 0.025

        my $search = Google::Search->Web( query => "rock" );
        while ( my $result = $search->next ) {
            print $result->rank, " ", $result->uri, "\n";

    You can also use the single-argument-style invocation:

        Google::Search->Web( "query" )

    The following kinds of searches are supported

        Google::Search->Local( ... )
        Google::Search->Video( ... )
        Google::Search->Blog( ... )
        Google::Search->News( ... )
        Google::Search->Image( ... )
        Google::Search->Patent( ... )

    You can also take advantage of each service's specialized interface

        # The search below specifies the latitude and longitude:
        $search = Google::Search->Local( query => { q => "rock", sll => "33.823230,-116.512110" }, ... );

        my $result = $search->first;
        print $result->streetAddress, "\n";

    You can supply an API key and referrer (referer) if you have them

        my $key = ... # This should be a valid API key, gotten from:

        my $referrer = "" # This should be a valid referer for the above key

        $search = Google::Search->Web(
            key => $key, referrer => $referrer, # "referer =>" Would work too
            query => { q => "rock", sll => "33.823230,-116.512110" }

    Get suggestions from the unofficial Google suggestion API using

        my $suggestions = Google::Search->suggest( $term )

    Google::Search is an interface to the Google AJAX Search API

    Currently, their API looks like it will fetch you the top 64 results for
    your search query.

    You may want to sign up for an API key, but it is not required. You can
    do so here: <>

Shortcut usage for a specific service
  Google::Search->new( ... )
    Prepare a new search object (handle)

    You can configure the search by passing the following to "new":

        query           The search phrase to submit to Google
                        Optionally, this can also be a hash of parameters to submit. You can
                        use the hash form to take advantage of each service's varying interface.
                        Make sure to at least include a "q" parameter with your search

        service         The service to search under. This can be any of: web,
                        local, video, blog, news, book, image, patent

        start           Optional. Start searching from "start" rank instead of 0.
                        Google::Search will skip fetching unnecessary results

        key             Optional. Your Google AJAX Search API key (see Description)

        referrer        Optional. A referrer that is valid for the above key
                        For legacy purposes, "referer" is an acceptable spelling

    Both "query" and "service" are required

    Returns a Google::Search::Result representing the first result in the
    search, if any.

    Returns undef if nothing was found

    An iterator for $search. Will the return the next result each time it is
    called, and undef when there are no more results.

    Returns a Google::Search::Result

    Returns undef if nothing was found

  $search->result( <rank> )
    Returns a Google::Search::Result corresponding to the result at <rank>

    These are equivalent:

        $search->result( 0 )


    Returns Google::Search::Result list which includes every result Google
    has returned for the query

    In scalar context an array reference is returned, a list otherwise

    An empty list is returned if nothing was found

  $search->match( <code> )
    Returns a Google::Search::Result list

    This method will iterate through each result in the search, passing the
    result to <code> as the first argument. If <code> returns true, then the
    result will be included in the returned list

    In scalar context this method returns the number of matches

  $search->first_match( <code> )
    Returns a Google::Search::Result that is the first to match <code>

    This method will iterate through each result in the search, passing the
    result to <code> as the first argument. If <code> returns true, then the
    result will be returned and iteration will stop.

    Returns a Google::Search::Error if there was an error with the last

    If you receive undef from a result access then you can use this routine
    to see if there was a problem

        warn $search->error->reason;

        warn $search->error->http_response->as_string;

        # Etc, etc.

    This will return undef if no error was encountered

  Google::Search->suggest( $term, ... )
    Return a nested array from the Google auto-complete suggestion service.
    Each inner array consists of: the suggestion, the number of results, and
    the rank of the suggestion:

        my $suggestions = Google::Search->suggest( 'monkey' )
        print $suggestions->[0][0] # "monkey bread recipe"
        print $suggestions->[0][1] # "413,000 results"
        print $suggestions->[0][2] # 0

        for my $suggestion ( @$suggestions ) {

    To override the language (or any query parameter or to add in your own
    parameters), pass in an array:

        # Get the results back in German (de)
        Google::Search->suggest( [ hl => 'de' ], 'monkey' )

    To alter the URI hostname/path or to give a custom user agent, pass in a

        Google::Search->suggest( [ hl => 'de' ], 'monkey', {
            host => '',
            agent => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'
        } )

    The passing order of the array, hash, and string does not matter

    Robert Krimen, "<rkrimen at>"


    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-google-search at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will
    be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
    your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Google::Search

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    Copyright 2008 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.