Lingua::EN::Grammarian version 0.000005

This module provides a data-driven grammar checker for English text.

It builds a list of potential grammar problems from templates specified
in two files ('grammarian_errors' and 'grammarian_cautions') and
locates any such problems in a text string. Because the module is
data-driven, it is easy for even non-technical users to refine or
augment the rules used to identify grammatical problems.

Each problem discovered is reported as an object, whose methods can then
be called to retrieve the corresponding substring of the original text,
its location within the original text, a description of the problem, and
a suggested remediation for it.

The module classifies grammatical problems as either "errors" or
"cautions". Errors are grammatical usages that are unequivocally wrong,
such as "I gone home", "principle ingredient", "laying low", "their are
it's collar", "its comprised from", "she do try and learns the words"
"them have be quite unique", etc.

Cautions are words or phrases that are not inherently wrong, but which
are commonly confused or misapplied. For example: "affect" vs "effect",
"infer" vs "imply", "beg the question" vs "raise the question",
"indict" vs "indite", "less" vs "fewer", "disburse" vs "disperse", etc.

Note that Lingua::EN::Grammarian is not a spell-checker.
Neither errors nor cautions contain words that have been misspelt;
they are composed of words that have been misused.


To install this module, run the following commands:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install

Alternatively, to install with Module::Build, you can use the following commands:

	perl Build.PL
	./Build test
	./Build install




Copyright (C) 2013, Damian Conway

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.