use IO::Async::Loop;
     use Net::Async::EmptyPort;
     my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
     my $ep = Net::Async::EmptyPort->new(
        loop => $loop,
     # could take a while to start...
     my $chosen_port = start_server_in_background();
     $ep->wait_port({ port => $chosen_port })->get;


    This module is an asynchronous port of Net::EmptyPort. The interface is
    different and thus simplified from the original. A couple of the
    original methods are not implemented; specifically can_bind and
    check_port. They are not hard to implement but I don't have a good idea
    of why someone would use them.



     my $listen_future = $ep->empty_port({
        host => '',
        port => 8000,
        proto => 'tcp',

    This method has no required arguments but accepts the following named

      * host

      Defaults to

      * port

      Defaults to 0; which means the kernel will immediately provide an
      open port. Alternately, if you provide a port Net::Async::EmptyPort
      will try that port up through to port 65000.

      * proto

      Defaults to tcp; the other option is udp.

    The return value is an IO::Async::Listener. The easiest way (though
    this will introduce a race condition) to make it work like the original
    is as follows:

     $ep->empty_port->then(sub { Future->done(shift->read_handle->sockport) })

    Then the Future will simply contain the port, though a better option is
    to pass the actual listener or socket to whatever will use it if


     my $socket_future = $ep->wait_port({
        port => 8080,
        proto => 'tcp',
        host => '',
        max_wait => 60,

    This method takes the following named parameters:

      * host

      Defaults to

      * port


      * proto

      Defaults to tcp; the other option is udp.

      * max_wait

      Defaults to 10 seconds. Set to -1 to wait indefinitely.

    The return value is a Future containing an IP::Socket::IP. You can use
    that for connecting, but unlike "empty_port" there is no race condition
    here so it makes perfect sense to just use wait_port as a "blocker."

    wait_port uses a basic exponential backoff to avoid quickly polling.
    Eventually the backoff method will be configurable.