NAME Dancer::Plugin::Res - Syntax sugar for setting the status and returning a response VERSION version 0.0002 SYNOPSIS use Dancer; use Dancer::Plugin::Res; post '/widgets' => sub { return res 400 => to_json { err => 'name is required' } unless param 'name'; # ... return res 201 => to_json { widget => $widget }; }; dance; DESCRIPTION This Dancer plugin provides the keyword "res()", which stands for response. It allows you to set the response and return a body in one shot. return res 400, { msg => reason }; is equivalent to: status 400; return { msg => reason }; I made this plugin because I wanted a function like send_error() for ReST applications that return things like json instead of html. "send_error "reason ...", 500" will not always render the first argument you give it in the response. When your app is running in production mode, it will attempt to render a generic 500.html page. Which is great for front-end things, but not for back-end code where you always want your application to render the thing that you told it to render. AUTHOR Naveed Massjouni <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Naveed Massjouni. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.