Parse::BBCode - Module to parse BBCode and render it as HTML or text
To parse a bbcode string, set up a parser with the default HTML
defintions of Parse::BBCode::HTML:
# render bbcode to HTML
use Parse::BBCode;
my $p = Parse::BBCode->new();
my $code = 'some [b]b code[/b]';
my $rendered = $p->render($code);
# parse bbcode, manipulate tree and render
use Parse::BBCode;
my $p = Parse::BBCode->new();
my $code = 'some [b]b code[/b]';
my $tree = $p->parse($code);
# do something with $tree
my $rendered = $p->render_tree($tree);
Or if you want to define your own tags:
my $p = Parse::BBCode->new({
tags => {
# load the default tags
# add/override tags
url => 'url:%{parse}s',
i => '%{parse}s',
b => '%{parse}s',
noparse => '
code => sub {
my ($parser, $attr, $content, $attribute_fallback) = @_;
if ($attr eq 'perl') {
# use some syntax highlighter
$content = highlight_perl($content);
else {
$content = Parse::BBCode::escape_html($$content);
test => 'this is klingon: %{klingon}s',
escapes => {
klingon => sub {
my ($parser, $tag, $text) = @_;
return translate_into_klingon($text);
my $code = 'some [b]b code[/b]';
my $parsed = $p->render($code);
Note: This module is still experimental, the syntax is subject to
change. I'm open for any suggestions on how to improve the syntax. See
"TODO" for what might change.
If you set up the Parse::BBCode object without arguments, the default
tags are loaded, and any text outside or inside of parseable tags will
go through a default subroutine which escapes HTML and replaces newlines
tags. If you need to change this you can set the options
'url_finder', 'text_processor' and 'linebreaks'.
new Constructor. Takes a hash reference with options as an argument.
my $parser = Parse::BBCode->new({
tags => {
url => ...,
i => ...,
escapes => {
link => ...,
close_open_tags => 1, # default 0
strict_attributes => 0, # default 0
direct_attributes => 1, # default 1
url_finder => 1, # default 0
smileys => 0, # default 0
linebreaks => 1, # default 1
If you want to replace smileys with an icon:
my $parser = Parse::BBCode->new({
smileys => {
base_url => '/your/url/to/icons/',
icons => { qw/ :-) smile.png :-( sad.png / },
# sprintf format:
# first argument url
# second argument original text smiley (HTML escaped)
format => '
# if you need the url and text in a different order
# see perldoc -f sprintf, e.g.
# format => '
This subroutine will be applied during the url_finder (or first,
if url_finder is 0), and the rest will get processed by the text
procesor (default escaping html and replacing linebreaks).
Smileys are only replaced if surrounded by whitespace or
start/end of line/text.
:-)[/b] :-(
In this example both smileys will be replaced. The first smiley
is at the end of the text because the text inside [b][/b] is
processed on its own.
Open to any suggestions here.
The default text processor replaces linebreaks with
\n. If
you don't want this, set 'linebreaks' to 0.
If you need to add any customized text processing (like smiley
parsing (although I will probably add builtin smiley support in
one of the next versions)), you can pass a subroutine here. Note
that this subroutine also needs to do HTML escaping itself!
If set to true (1), it will close open tags at the end or before
block tags.
If set to true (1), tags with invalid attributes are left
unparsed. If set to false (0), the attribute for this tags will
be empty.
An invalid attribute:
[foo=bar far boo]...[/foo]
I might add an option to define your own attribute validation.
Contact me if you'd like to have this.
Default: true
Normal tag syntax is:
[tag=val1 attr2=val2 ...]
If set to 0, tag syntax is
[tag attr2=val2 ...]
Input: The text to parse, optional hashref
Returns: the rendered text
my $rendered = $parser->render($bbcode);
You can pass an optional hashref with information you need inside of
your self-defined rendering subs. For example if you want to display
code in a codebox with a link to download the code you need the id
of the article (in a forum) and the number of the code tag.
my $parsed = $parser->render($bbcode, { article_id => 23 });
# in the rendering sub:
my ($parser, $attr, $content, $attribute_fallback, $tag, $info) = @_;
my $article_id = $parser->get_params->{article_id};
my $code_id = $tag->get_num;
# write downloadlink like
# in front of the displayed code
See examples/ for a complete example of how to set
up the rendering and how to extract the code from the tree. If run
as a CGI skript it will give you a dialogue to save the code into a
file, including a reasonable default filename.
Input: The text to parse.
Returns: the parsed tree (a Parse::BBCode::Tag object)
my $tree = $parser->parse($bbcode);
Input: the parse tree
Returns: The rendered text
my $parsed = $parser->render_tree($tree);
You can pass an optional hashref, for explanation see "render"
$parser->forbid(qw/ img url /);
Disables the given tags.
$parser->permit(qw/ img url /);
Enables the given tags if they are in the tag definitions.
Utility to substitute
with their HTML entities.
my $escaped = Parse::BBCode::escape_html($text);
If the given bbcode is invalid (unbalanced or wrongly nested
classes), currently Parse::BBCode::render() will either leave the
invalid tags unparsed, or, if you set the option `close_open_tags',
try to add closing tags. If this happened `error()' will return the
invalid tag(s), otherwise false. To get the corrected bbcode (if you
set `close_open_tags') you can get the tree and return the raw text
from it:
if ($parser->error) {
my $tree = $parser->get_tree;
my $corrected = $tree->raw_text;
Here is an example of all the current definition possibilities:
my $p = Parse::BBCode->new({
tags => {
i => '%s',
b => '%{parse}s',
size => '%{parse}s',
url => 'url:%{parse}s',
wikipedia => 'url:%{parse}s',
noparse => '%{html}s
quote => 'block:%s
code => {
code => sub {
my ($parser, $attr, $content, $attribute_fallback) = @_;
if ($attr eq 'perl') {
# use some syntax highlighter
$content = highlight_perl($$content);
else {
$content = Parse::BBCode::escape_html($$content);
parse => 0,
class => 'block',
hr => {
class => 'block',
output => '
single => 1,
The following list explains the above tag definitions:
i => '%s'
[i] italic [/i]
turns out as
italic <html>
So `%s' stands for the tag content. By default, it is parsed itself,
so that you can nest tags.
b => '%{parse}s'
[b] bold [/b]
turns out as
bold <html>
`%{parse}s' is the same as `%s' because 'parse' is the default.
size => '%{parse}s'
[size=7] some big text [/size]
turns out as
some big text
So %a stands for the tag attribute. By default it will be HTML
url tag, `%A', `%{link}A'
url => 'url:%{parse}s'
the first thing you can see is the `url:' at the beginning - this
defines the url tag as a tag with the class 'url', and urls must not
be nested. So this class definition is mainly there to prevent
generating wrong HTML. if you nest url tags only the outer one will
be parsed.
another thing you can see is how to apply a special escape. The
attribute defined with `%{link}a' is checked for a valid URL.
`javascript:' will be filtered.
[url=/foo.html]a link[/url]
turns out as
a link
Note that a tag like
will turn out as
In the cases where the attribute should be the same as the content
you should use `%A' instead of `%a' which takes the content as the
attribute as a fallback. You probably need this in all url-like
url => 'url:%{parse}s',
You might want to define your own urls, e.g. for wikipedia
wikipedia => 'url:%{parse}s',
`%{uri}A' will uri-encode the searched term:
[wikipedia]Harold & Maude[/wikipedia]
[wikipedia="Harold & Maude"]a movie[/wikipedia]
turns out as
Harold & Maude
a movie
Don't parse tag content
Sometimes you need to display verbatim bbcode. The simplest form
would be a noparse tag:
noparse => '%{html}s
[noparse] [some]unbalanced[/foo] [/noparse]
With this definition the output would be
So inside a noparse tag you can write (almost) any invalid bbcode.
The only exception is the noparse tag itself:
[noparse] [some]unbalanced[/foo] [/noparse] [b]really bold[/b] [/noparse]
[some]unbalanced[/foo] really bold [/noparse]
Because the noparse tag ends at the first closing tag, even if you
have an additional opening noparse tag inside.
The `%{html}s' defines that the content should be HTML escaped. If
you don't want any escaping you can't say `%s' because the default
is 'parse'. In this case you have to write `%{noescape}'.
Block tags
quote => 'block:%s
To force valid html you can add classes to tags. The default class
is 'inline'. To declare it as a block add `'block:"' to the start of
the string. Block tags inside of inline tags will either close the
outer tag(s) or leave the outer tag(s) unparsed, depending on the
option `close_open_tags'.
Define subroutine for tag
All these definitions might not be enough if you want to define your
own code, for example to add a syntax highlighter.
Here's an example:
code => {
code => sub {
my ($parser, $attr, $content, $attribute_fallback, $tag, $info) = @_;
if ($attr eq 'perl') {
# use some syntax highlighter
$content = highlight_perl($$content);
else {
$content = Parse::BBCode::escape_html($$content);
parse => 0,
class => 'block',
So instead of a string you define a hash reference with a 'code' key
and a sub reference. The other key is `parse' which is 0 by default.
If it is 0 the content in the tag won't be parsed, just as in the
noparse tag above. If it is set to 1 you will get the rendered
content as an argument to the subroutine.
The first argument to the subroutine is the Parse::BBCode object
itself. The second argument is the attribute, the third is the
already rendered tag content as a scalar reference and the fourth
argument is the attribute fallback which is set to the content if
the attribute is empty. The fourth argument is just for convenience.
The fifth argument is the tag object (Parse::BBCode::Tag) itself, so
if necessary you can get the original tag content by using:
my $original = $tag->raw_text;
The sixth argument is an info hash. It contains:
my $info = {
tags => $tags,
stack => $stack,
classes => $classes,
The variable $tags is a hashref which contains all tag names which
are outside the current tag, with a count. This is convenient if you
have to check if the current processed tag is inside a certain tag
and you want to behave differently, like
if ($info->{tags}->{special}) {
# we are somewhere inside [special]...[/special]
The variable $stack contains an array ref with all outer tag names.
So while processing the tag 'i' in
[quote][quote][b]bold [i]italic[/i][/b][/quote][/quote]
it contains [qw/ quote quote b i /]
The variable $classes contains a hashref with all tag classes and
their counts outside of the current processed tag. For example if
you want to process URIs with URI::Find, and you are already in a
tag with the class 'url' then you don't want to use URI::Find here.
unless ($info->{classes}->{url}) {
# not inside of a url class tag ([url], [wikipedia, etc.)
# parse text for urls with URI::Find
Sometimes you might want single tags like for a horizontal line:
hr => {
class => 'block',
output => '
single => 1,
The hr-Tag is a block tag (should not be inside inline tags), and it
has no closing tag (option `single')
my $p = Parse::BBCode->new({
escapes => {
link => sub {
You can define or override escapes. Default escapes are html, uri, link,
email, htmlcolor, num. An escape functions as a validator and filter.
For example, the 'link' escape looks if it got a valid URI (starting
with `/' or `\w+://') and html-escapes it. It returns the empty string
if the input is invalid.
See Parse::BBCode::HTML for the detailed list of escapes.
Usually one wants to also create hyperlinks from any url found in the
bbcode, not only in url tags. The following code will use URI::Find to
search for all types of urls (unless inside of a url tag itself), create
a link in the given format and html-escape the rest. If the url is
longer than 50 chars, it will cut the link title and append three dots.
If you set max_length to 0, the title won't be cut.
my $p = Parse::BBCode->new({
url_finder => {
max_length => 50,
# sprintf format:
format => '%s',
tags => ...
Note: If you use the special tag '' in the tag definitions you will
overwrite the url finder and have to do that yourself.
my $p = Parse::BBCode->new({
url_finder => 1,
This will use the default like shown above (max length 50 chars).
Default is 0.
If you set url_finder and linebreaks to 1, the default text processor
will work like this:
my $post_processor = \&sub_for_escaping_HTML;
$text = code_to_replace_urls($text, $post_processor);
$text =~ s/\r?\n|\r/
return $text;
It will be applied to text outside of bbcode and inside of parseable
bbcode tags (and not to code tags or other tags with unparsed content).
If you need an additional post processor this usually cannot be done
after the HTML escaping and url finding. So if you write a text
processor it must do the HTML escaping itself. For example if you want
to replace smileys with image tags you cannot simply do:
$text =~ s/ :-\) /
because then the image tag would be HTML escaped after that. On the
other hand it's usually not possible to do something like that *after*
the HTML escaping since that might introduce text sequences that look
like a smiley (or whatever you want to replace).
So a simple example for a customized text processor would be:
url_finder => 1,
linebreaks => 1,
text_processor => sub {
# for $info hash description see render() method
my ($text, $info) = @_;
my $out = '';
while ($text =~ s/(.*)( |^)(:\))(?= |$)//mgs) {
# match a smiley and anything before
my ($pre, $sp, $smiley) = ($1, $2, $3);
# escape text and add smiley image tag
$out .= Parse::BBCode::escape_html($pre) . $sp . '
# leftover text
$out .= Parse::BBCode::escape_html($text);
return $out;
This will result in: Replacing urls, applying your text_processor to the
rest of the text and after that replace linebreaks with
If you want to completely define the plain text processor yourself
(ignoring the 'linebreak', 'url_finder', 'smileys' and 'text_processor'
options) you define the special tag with the empty string:
my $p = Parse::BBCode->new({
tags => {
'' => sub {
my ($parser, $attr, $content, $info) = @_;
return frobnicate($content);
# remember to escape HTML!
I wrote this module because HTML::BBCode is not extendable (or I didn't
see how) and BBCode::Parser seemed good at the first glance but has some
issues, for example it says that the following bbode
[code] foo [b] [/code]
is invalid, while I think you should be able to write unbalanced code in
code tags. Also BBCode::Parser dies if you have invalid code or
not-permitted tags, but in a forum you'd rather show a partly parsed
text then an error message.
What I also wanted is an easy syntax to define own tags, ideally - for
simple tags - as plain text, so you can put it in a configuration file.
This allows forum admins to add tags easily. Some forums might want a
tag for linking to, other forums need other tags.
Another goal was to always output a result and don't die. I might add an
option which lets the parser die with unbalanced code.
BBCode to Textile|Markdown
There is a Parse::BBCode::Markdown module which is only roughly
API The main syntax is likely to stay, only the API for callbacks might
change. At the moment it is not possible to add callbacks to the
parsing process, only for the rendering phase. It is also not
possible to declare your own attribute syntax, for example
[quote=nickname date]
Attributes always have to look like:
[tag=main_attribute other=foo]...
[tag="main_attribute" other="foo"]...
I would like to add support for different syntax, because it might
happen that one has old bbcode lying around (maybe taken over from a
different forum software) and cannot manually replace all the
invalid bbcode.
Short bbcode like syntax for urls
Since I need this myself in my board software and currently do the
replacing in the text processor I would like to add tags like this:
perl >= 5.6.1, Class::Accessor::Fast, URI::Escape
BBCode::Parser - a parser which supplies the parsed tree if necessary.
Too strict though for using in forums where people write unbalanced
HTML::BBCode - simple processor, no parse tree, good enough for
processing usual bbcode with the most common tags
HTML::BBReverse - really simple proccessor, just replaces start and end
tags independently by their HTML aequivalents, so not very useful in
many cases
See `examples/compare.html' for a feature comparison of the modules and
feel free to report mistakes.
See `examples/' for a benchmark of the modules.
Please report bugs at
Tina Mueller
Thanks to Moritz Lenz for his suggestions about the implementation and
the test cases.
Viacheslav Tikhanovskii
Sascha Kiefer
Copyright (C) 2011 by Tina Mueller
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.1 or, at
your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.