This is the README file for WebService::TestSystem, a program that
implements a distributed testing system using the SOAP protocol.  This
system is designed to provide a uniform API that multiple kinds of
front ends can access (web, commandline, GUI, email, etc.) that provides
access to various testing services (STP, PLM, Tinderbox, etc.) 

See the INSTALL file for information on installing it (pretty much just
the usual - perl Makefile.PL; make; make install).

After installation, run the daemon in one window as follows:

   $ scripts/testsystem_d

In another window, run the scripts like this:

   $ scripts/stp-lstest -s http://localhost:8081

   $ scripts/stp-metrics -s http://localhost:8081

   $ scripts/stp-trsearch -s http://localhost:8081


The documentation for each script is available via man or perldoc, e.g.: 

   $ perldoc scripts/stp-lstest

Copyright (c) 2004, by Open Source Development Labs.
All rights reserved. You may distribute this code under the terms 
of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, 
as specified in the Perl README file.