IO/Tokenized version 0.04


Lexical analysis, which is a fundamental step in all parsing, mainly consists in 
decomposing an input stream into smal chunks called tokens. The tokens are in
turn defined by regular expressions.

As Perl is good at handling regular expressions, one should expects that writing
lexical analyser in Perl should be easy. In truth it is not, and tools like lex or
flex are even been ported to Perl. There are also a whole lot of ad-hoc lexers for
different parsing modules/programmes. 

Now, approaches to lexical analysis like those underlying Parse::Lex and Parse::Flex
are general but fairly complexes to use, while ad-hoc solutions are obviously, 
well... ad-hoc.

What I'd always sought was a way to tell to a file handle: "well, that is how
the chunks I'm interested are. Please, found them in your input stream".  It 
seems a simple thingh enough, but I could not found a module doing it.

Obviously, impatience pushed me to implement such a module, but until little
time ago I had no real need for it, so lazines spoke against it. Recently I 
started to write a compiler for a scripting language and I started using the
Parse::RecDescent module. There in the documentation Damian Conway says

     There's no support for parsing directly from an input stream.  If
     and when the Perl Gods give us regular expressions on streams, this
     should be trivial (ahem!) to implement.

Why, regular expression on streams was exactly what I had in mind, so hubris 
kicked in and I wrote this couple of modules.


The distribution includes two modules: IO::Tokenized and IO::Tokenized::File. 

IO::Tokenized is used for hadding token parsing methods to existing filehandles
as well as a base class for classes in the IO::Tokenized::* hiearchy.

IO::Tokenized::File is an example of how to use the methods in IO::tokenized to
add tokenized input to classes in the C<IO::*> hierarcy.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  * Carp
  * Test::More (for testing)
  * IO::File


Copyright (C) 2003 Leo "TheHobbit" Cacciari

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.