                        -=* Lingua::AM::Abbreviate *=-
                Tools for working with Ethiopic text in Perl

README file for Lingua-AM-Abbreviate distribution:

	Module Lingua::AM::Abbreviate:

		AM::Abbreviate provides two routines, "Expand" and "Contract".
		Each routine expects an Amharic string in UTF8 encoding as an argument
		and returns an expansion or contraction if found.


		is provided for testing by visual inspection of the output.  A UTF8
		console with an Ethiopic font is required.  This script will be
		enhanced in a future release.

To Do:

	1)  Obviously add more abbreviations.
	2)  Add some additional stemming intelligence to cut off plural, possessive
		and definite articles from terms.
	3)  Use two hash tables for the terms on both sides of "/", this should
		provide greater flexibility and reduce the size of the hash tables
	4)  Allow "/" to also be ".";
	5)  Find a way to reverse hashing to speed up Expand.

	Download the tar.gz, unpack it, change to the Lingua-AM-Abbreviate-*
	directory. Then do

		perl Makefile.PL
		make install

	ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/fidel/perl-unicode/ and from your
	favorite CPAN site in the authors/id/D/DY/DYACOB/ directory.
Copyright: (c) 1999 Daniel Yacob, dmulholl@cs.indiana.edu. All rights
	reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute
	it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.