Web::Request::Role::JSON - Make handling JSON easier in Web::Request


version 1.008


    # Create a request handler
    package My::App::Request;
    use Moose;
    extends 'Web::Request';
    with 'Web::Request::Role::JSON';

    # Make sure your app uses your request handler, e.g. using OX:
    package My::App::OX;
    sub request_class {'My::App::Request'}

    # Finally, in some controller action
    sub create_POST {
        my ($self, $req) = @_;

        my $data    = $req->json_payload;
        my $created = $self->model->create($data);
        return $self->json_response($created, undef, 201);


`Web::Request::Role::JSON` provides a few methods that make handling
JSON in [Web::Request](https://metacpan.org/pod/Web%3A%3ARequest) a bit easier.

Please note that all methods return a [Web::Response](https://metacpan.org/pod/Web%3A%3AResponse) object.
Depending on the framework you use (or lack thereof), you might have
to call `finalize` on the response object to turn it into a valid
PSGI response.


### json\_payload

    my $perl_hash = $req->json_payload;

Extracts and decodes a JSON payload from the request.

### json\_response

    $req->json_response( $data );
    $req->json_response( $data, $header_ref );
    $req->json_response( $data, $header_ref, $http_status );

Convert your data to JSON and generate a new response with correct HTTP headers.

You can pass in more headers as the second argument (either hashref or
arrayref). These headers will be passed straight on to

You can also pass a HTTP status code as the third parameter. If none
is provided, we default to `200`.

### json\_error

    $req->json_response( 'something is wrong' );
    $req->json_response( $error_data );
    $req->json_response( $error, $status );

Generate a JSON object out of your error message, if the message is a
plain string. But you can also pass in a data structure that will be
converted to JSON.

Per default, HTTP status is set to `400`, but you can pass any other
status as a second argument. (Yes, there is no checking if you pass a
valid status code or not. You're old enough to not do stupid things..)


An optional `content_type` parameter can be added on role application to
restore previous behaviour. Browsers tend to like the 'charset=utf-8' better,
but you might have your reasons.

    package MyRequest;
    extends 'OX::Request';
    with (
        'Web::Request::Role::JSON' => { content_type => 'application/json' },


Thanks to

- [validad.com](https://www.validad.com/) for supporting Open Source.


- Thomas Klausner <domm@plix.at>
- Klaus Ita <koki@itascraft.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2017 - 2021 by Thomas Klausner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.