README for Perl extension Business-Tax-US-Form_1040-Worksheets

This library exports, on demand only, functions which
implement calculations used in various worksheets found in
U.S. IRS Form 1040 instructions.

The current version of this library supports the Social
Security Benefits Worksheet and most of the Qualified
Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet for filing years
2022 and 2023.  Future versions may extend the support of
those worksheets forwards and backwords; may offer more
complete support for the Qualified worksheet; and may offer
support for other worksheets found within the Form 1040

The accuracy of the calculations in these functions has not
been reviewed by the Internal Revenue Service, any other tax
authority, any accountant or any attorney.  Use at your own

To install:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather
than 'make'.

Once installed, read the documentation via:

    perldoc Business::Tax::US::Form_1040::Worksheets