Creates a tied Tk::Menubutton widget hash reference object kinda

    It's actually much simplier then it sounds, at least to use. It walks
    and talks half like an object, and half like a (tied) hash reference.
    This is because it's both in one (it's a blessed reference to a tied
    hash of the same class).

    When you add a key (label) to the hash it added it to the menubutton.
    The value assigned must be either a valid Tk::Menubutton -command
    option, or the string 'default' (case is not important). The default is
    simply a function that configure()s the Menubuttons -text to that of the
    selected label. You can then retrieve the text by just reading a key
    (any key, even if it doesn't exist, it doesn't matter) from the hash.

    The new() method passes back a reference to a tie()d MenuHash, but with
    all the properties (and methods) of the Menubutton you passed it. With
    this type you can set and delete fields as hash keys references:

            $MenuHash->{'Some label'} = 'default';

    But also call Tk::Menubutton (or sub-classes of it, if that's what you
    passed the constructor) methods:

            $MenuHash->configure ( -text => 'Pick something' );

    This involves black magic to do, but it works. See the AUTOLOAD method
    code if you have a morbid interest in this, however it's more that we
    are dealing with 3 objects in 2 classes.

    I prefer this useage myself as it meens I only need to carry around one
    var that walks and talks almost exactly like a "real" Tk::Menubutton
    (that is, you can call any valid Tk::Menubutton method off it directly),
    but with the added (and much needed IMHO) feature of being able to
    easily add, delete, select, and read menu options as simple hash ref